Friday, September 30, 2011

Monumen Perjuangan Rakyat Bali (Bali,Indonesia)


Monumen Perjuangan Rakyat Bali, Lokasi monumen ini sangat strategis karena terletak di depan Kantor Gubernur Bali, tepatnya di Lapangan Renon Nitimandala. Kecamatan Denpasar Timur. Monumen dengan luas bangunan 4.900 m2 dan luas tanah 138.830 m2 ini didirikan untuk mengabadikan semangat perjuangan rakyat Bali dari masa ke masa dan semangat patriotisme serta memberi penghormatan kepada para pahlawan. Daya tarik Monumen ini yaitu bangunannya yang megah dengan arsitektur khas Bali.

Monumen dibangun dengan bentuk bajra (genta) yang menjulang tinggi. Secara horizontal, susunan bangunan berbentuk segi empat bujur sangkar simetris dan mengacu pada konsep Tri Mandala, dan secara vertikal, monumen ini juga terbagi menjadi tiga bagian yaitu mengacu pada konsep Tri Angga.

Pada lantai tengah monumen ini terdapat 33 buah unit diorama yang berdemensi 2 x 3 meter yang menggambarkan adegan proses masa ke masa kehidupan orang Bali hingga sejarah sejarah perjuangan rakyat Bali.

Monumen Perjuangan Rakyat Bali Bajra Sandhi di Bali - Melancaran Blogspot denpasar-monumen-perjuangan-rakyat-bali

Jam buka Monumen :

Senin-Jumat : 08.00-17.00 WITA

Sabtu : 09.30-17.00 WITA

Minggu : 10.00-17.00 WITA

sumber :

Kejernihan Air Terjun Tegenungan (Bali, Indonesia)


Wisata yang lebih terkenal di Bali adalah wisata pantai dengan sejuta panorama keindahan air-terjun-tegenungan2-300x225 pantainya yang eksotis. Sedangkan wisata air terjun atau curug masih menjadi alternatif. Padahal wisata air terjun tak kalah sensasinya dengan berwisata pantai. Nah, salah satu air terjun yang wajib Anda kunjungi ketika di Bali ialah Air Terjun Tegenungan yang berada di Gianyar.

Wisata ini kini kembali ramai oleh pengunjung dari berbagai daerah di nusantara maupun dari mancanegara. Dalam seharinya, diperkirakan ada sekitar 100 tamu yang datang ke objek wisata air terjun ini. Mereka begitu antusias menyaksikan keajaiban alam dimana air mengalir dengan derasnya dari ketinggian sekitar 20 meter.

Akses Masuk

air-terjun-tegenungan4 Namun sayang kendala jalan menuju ke objek wisata ini nampaknya kurang mendapat perhatian. Tegenungan mengalami kerusakan jalan yang cukup parah, selain juga sempit. Jika tak segera diperbaiki dan direspons tentu hal demikian akan menjadi penghambat serius lajunya kepariwisataan Air Terjun Tegenungan ini. Beruntung, di sekitar objek air terjun sudah ada warung yang menjual makanan dan minuman ringan untuk menghilangkan rasa haus bagi wisatawan setelah turun ke sungai.

Selain wisatawan mancanegara, dalam musim liburan objek wisata tersebut juga banyak dikunjungi oleh wisatawan lokal sekitar Gianyar, Denpasar dan Klungkung. Tiap pengunjung dikenakan tiket masuk yang besarnya Rp 4.000 untuk orang dewasa dan Rp 2.000 untuk anak-anak.

Untuk menghindari hal-hal yang tak diinginkan, ada larangan bagi pengunjung yang ingin berenang. Tak seperti di air terjun yang lain, lokasi Air Terjun Tegenungan cukup berbahaya sehingga agak berisiko jika digunakan untuk berenang.

Lokasi (Location)

Air Terjun Tegenungan berada di Desa Kemenuh Gianyar, Bali.


Thursday, September 29, 2011

PANTAI PAPUMA , surga yang terlupakan di selatan Jember, Jawa Timur

Selain Pantai Watu Ulo, Kabupaten Jember juga memiliki surga dunia yang tak kalah indahnya. Thats right, itulah Pantai Papuma. Papuma sendiri merupakan singkatan dari Pasir putih Malikan. Letak pantai ini sebenernya bersandingan dengan Pantai Watu Ulo. Di sepanjang pantai ini terbentang pasir putih dengan dihiasi batu-batu karang yang menakjubkan.

Pantai Papuma ini berada sekitar 40 KM di selatan Kota Jember. Berada di Desa Sumberejo Kecamatan Ambulu. Untuk menuju kesana bisa menggunakan kendaraan bermotor. Karena akses jalan menuju ke pantai ini cukup memadai. Sebelum mencapai pantai, kita bisa menikmati keindahan hutan pohon jati di sepanjang jalan.

Selain menyuguhkan keindahan alam dan deretan pulau-pulau kecil, hutan lindung yang berada di balik pantai ini juga dihuni oleh satwa liar, seperti rusa, lutung, kera ekor panjang, lutung kuning, biawak, ayam hutan, dan sebagainya. Hewan liar tersebut memang sengaja dibiarkan berkembang biak di hutan sekitar pantai Papuma. Biasanya, hewan-hewan tersebut akan muncul pagi atau menjelang malam hari.

Bagi mereka yang punya hobi fotografi, tempat ini wajib hukumnya untuk dikunjungi. Pasir putih, Air laut yang membiru, Batu karang ataupun hutan di balik pantai wajib menjadi santapan para fotografer. Disini batu karangnya gede-gede, bahkan orang-orang menyebut beberapa batu karang yang besar itu sebagai pulau. Ada Pulau Batara Guru, Pulau Kresna, Pulau Narodo, Pulau Nusa Barong, Pulau Kajang, dan Pulau kodok. Hmm…. sungguh anugrah Tuhan yang Indah. Apabila kamu-kamu pada lelah, jangan khawatir mampir saja di warung disana yang menyediakan ikan bakar sebagai menu specialnya. Dan rasakan nikmatnya menyantap Kakap merah bakar.... hmmmm...

  • Harga tiket masuk ke pantai Papuma.
    HTM dewasa : Rp. 5000 /orang
    sepeda motor : Rp. 1.000
    mobil : Rp. 2.000







Sumber :

Monday, September 19, 2011

Jennifer Aniston Wallpapers

Jennifer Aniston Hollywood Wallpaper

Born in Sherman Oaks, California, Jennifer Aniston spent a year of her childhood living in Greece with her family. Her family then relocated to New York City where her parents, John Aniston and Nancy Dow, divorced when she was 9. Jennifer was raised by her mother and her father landed a role, as "Victor Kiriakis", on the daytime soap "Days of Our Lives". Check out Aniston's Glamorous HD Wallpapers...
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Jennifer Aniston Biography & Wallpapers

Jennifer Aniston Hot Hollywood Wallpaper

At 41 years old, Jennifer Aniston is still one of the cutest women on the planet. Dating back to her days as Rachel Green on Friends, women everywhere have admired and emulated Aniston’s hair, body and style, while men have admired her, well, hair, body and style, but for entirely different reasons. After her unceremonious breakup with Brad Pitt (if you ever need a shoulder to cry on Jen, we’re here for you), Aniston has embraced her status as one of the world’s most eligible bachelorettes by dating a revolving door of Hollywood hunks including Vince Vaughn, John Mayer, Bradley Cooper, and Gerard Butler. Check out glamorous photo shoot...
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Jennifer Aniston HD Wallpapers

Jennifer Aniston Beautiful HD Wallpaper-1440x1024

Even while Jennifer Aniston was starring in Friends, Jennifer Aniston began segueing into film, albeit not very successful ones. Nobody even remembers her early efforts in the generic romcoms She’s the One and Picture Perfect, although her performance in the cult classic Office Space has earned her a special place in the hearts of people with good taste everywhere. Check out HD Wallpapers...
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Jennifer Aniston Glamorous Wallpapers

Jennifer Aniston Hot HD Wallpaper

Jennifer Aniston was getting consistent work on the big screen, none of her efforts to date had been a full-blown hit, until she began teaming up with Hollywood’s most bankable comedic stars. To date, her biggest box office success remains 2003’s Bruce Almighty, in which she plays Jim Carrey’s girlfriend. In fact, Aniston’s most successful films all feature her playing opposite a formidable funnyman: Ben Stiller in Along Came Polly, Vince Vaughan in The Break-Up and Owen Wilson in Marley & Me. Check out her glam...
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Jennifer Aniston Hot HD Wallpapers

Hollywood Actress Jennifer Aniston Wallpaper

Poor Jennifer Aniston. As far as we can tell, America’s sweetheart doesn’t have a mean bone in her toned and tanned body. Aside from her work on-screen, Aniston has donated time and money to a variety of causes including St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital, AmeriCares, Clothes off Our Back, Feeding America, and EB Medical Research Foundation just to name a few. Have a look...
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Jennifer Garner HD Wallpapers-1600x1200

Jennifer Garner HD Wallpaper

Jennifer Garner was born on April 17, in Houston, Texas. The ABC series Alias has been getting plenty of press since it first aired in 2001, most of which has centered around Jennifer. And with good reason. While the show's formula a blend of intricate investigative realism and over-the-top action sequences is certainly a strong one, there's no doubt that its ratings would falter considerably without Jennifer as its star. Check out beautiful HD Wallpapers...
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Jennifer Garner Hot HD Wallpapers

Jennifer Garner Wallpaper

Jennifer Garner plays CIA double agent Sydney Bristow on ABC's Alias, laying beats to bad guys while in a variety of disguises which, in turn, allow for a variety of sultry outfits. She has also appeared in a handful of movies, including Daredevil, 13 Going On 30 and Elektra. Have a look...
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Holly Valance HD Wallpapers-1600x1200

Holly Valance HD Photo Shoot

Holly is not your typical 19-year-old. One minute she's soft and demure, the next she's a tantalizing vixen. You never know what you're going to get, and that may be too intimidating for us. Especially since, given her young age, she seems a little innocent to be letting our jaws drop to the floor. Hey, she isn't even legal in the U.S. yet. Check out mouthwatering wallpapers...
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Holly Valance Biography & HD Wallpapers

Holly Valance Latest Wallpaper

Holly Valance Holly Valance was born in New Zealand on May 11, 1983, and moved to Brighton, Australia when she was still a youngster. Holly never gave the entertainment industry much thought, but her mother, Rachel one of Australia's top models (incidentally Holly's father Ryko is also a model) encouraged her to pursue it. And so, using her mom's booking and agent connections, Holly soon found herself posing for Kmart catalogues and strutting down runways in lingerie at the tender age of 14. Check out her beautiful HD Wallpapers...
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Holly Valance Hot HD Wallpapers

Holly Valance HD Wallpaper

Holly Valance's first single, "Kiss Kiss," was an instant hit in Europe and went all the way to number one in the UK and Australia (her second single, "Down Boy," will be released September 2002). Check out her glam photo shoot...
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Holly Valance Hot Wallpapers

Holly Valance Hot Wallpaper

Valance is now busy with record producer Nellee Hooper (who also worked with Madonna and No Doubt) on putting the finishing touches on her debut album. In addition to getting rave reviews by fans and critics alike, Valance also received some accolades from the publishing world. As if being named one of the "Se*(x)iest Women in the World" by FHM in 2000 wasn't enough, Valance also received the GQ Award for "Woman of the Year" in London this past year, beating out contenders like Dido and Rachel Weisz. Have a look of glam...
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Hilary Duff HD Wallpapers-1600x1200

Hilary Duff Pop Singer HD Wallpaper

Hilary Erhard Duff was born on September 28, 1987, in Houston, Texas. By the age of 6, she and older sister Haylie Duff were touring with the Cechetti Ballet, but both girls already knew back then that they wanted to have careers as actresses and singers. Hilary Duff made her screen debut in the 1997 mini-series True Women, which also featured Haylie. She landed her first lead role in 1998 as Wendy in Casper Meets Wendy, while the following year she won the Young Artist Award for her supporting role in the TV movie The Soul Collector. Check out Hilary's Beautiful HD Wallpapers...
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Hilary Duff HD Wallpapers

Hilary Duff HD Wallpaper in Pink

In 2001, Hilary Duff was cast in the starring role in Lizzie McGuire on the Disney Channel. The show became a huge hit with the teen and preteen audience, and helped propel her 2003 debut pop album, Metamorphosis, to the top of the Billboard charts (her first disc release, 2002's Santa Claus Lane, was a collection of Christmas tunes). Check out Hilary's glamorous wallpapers...
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Hilary Duff Bio & HQ Wallpapers

Hilary Duff Wallpaper in Red

Hilary Duff starred in the Disney telefilm, Cadet Kelly in 2002, and at the age of 15, she signed her first million-dollar movie deal for The Lizzie McGuire Movie (2003). That same year she also costarred in Agent Cody Banks and Cheaper by the Dozen. Have a look...
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Hilary Duff Wallpapers

Hilary Duff 2011 Latest Wallpaper

Lizzie McGuire completed its run in 2004, which gave Hilary Duff more time to concentrate on other movie roles as well as her music. She earned a $2.2 million paycheck for her starring role in A Cinderella Story, and also starred in the coming-of-age drama Raise Your Voice. Her self-titled sophomore album was released that September, and although it debuted at No. 2 on the Billboard charts, it sold considerably less than its predecessor. She also served as the international spokesperson for Kids With A Cause in 2004. Check out this beaurty...
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Hilary Duff Biography & Wallpapers

Hilary Duff Hot Wallpaper-1600x1200

Hilary Duff reprised her role as Lorraine Baker for Cheaper By The Dozen 2 (2005) the same year she appeared in The Perfect Man with Heather Locklear. Most Wanted, a compilation of hits and three new tracks, was released in August 2005, and spent two weeks at No. 1 on the Billboard albums chart. In 2006, she and Haylie costarred in the feature Material Girls, which also gave the younger Duff her first credit as a film producer. Check out Hilary's Glamour...
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Hilary Duff Glamorous Wallpapers

Hilary Duff Wallpaper

Released in April 2007, Hilary Duff's third album of all-new material, Dignity, debuted at No. 3 in the U.S. The recordings showcased a new musical direction for her, as electro dance-oriented backing tracks replaced the teeny-pop style she'd come to be known for. The collection spawned a couple of hits that made the dance/club charts, and she embarked on a North American tour during the summer of 2007. Check out her glamorous wallpapers...
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Hilary Duff Wallpapers-1600x1200

Hilary Duff Glamorous HD Wallpaper

Hilary Duff is famous for her role as Lizzie McGuire and she is also a popular pop singer. Her albums have scaled top spots on the Billboard. Check Out Hilary's Latest glam Photo Shoot...
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Hilary Duff Hot HD Wallpapers

Hilary Duff HQ Latest Wallpaper

Hilary Duff promoted Dignity and her personal metamorphosis by appearing on the covers of US Weekly and Shape magazines wearing a bikini in the summer of 2007. And as if to make sure there was no confusion over which market she was wooing, Maxim put her on the cover of its August edition. Look Hilary's Glam...
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Hilary Duff Hot Wallpapers

Hilary Duff Hot HD Wallpaper

Hilary Duff's 2003 album was entitled Metamorphosis, but she should have saved that name for her 2007 release, Dignity. Determined to put her squeaky-clean mall princess image behind her, she transformed her looks and musical style as she approached her 20th birthday. While the electronic dance music might not make you a convert, her more mature-looking image was a definite improvement. Check out Hilary's Glamorous Wallpapers...
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Hilary Duff Pop Singer Wallpapers

Hilary Duff Hot HD Wallpaper

Originally best known for her starring role as Lizzie McGuire on the small and big screens, Hilary Duff is now equally well known for her chart-topping status as a pop singer; she has a No. 1 album in addition to a No. 1 movie and TV show. Look her Glam...
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Hilary Duff Desktop Wallpapers

Hilary Duff Wallpaper

Released in April 2007, Hilary Duff's third album of all-new material, Dignity, debuted at No. 3 in the U.S. The recordings showcased a new musical direction for her, as electro dance-oriented backing tracks replaced the teeny-pop style she'd come to be known for. The collection spawned a couple of hits that made the dance/club charts, and she embarked on a North American tour during the summer of 2007. Have a look...
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Shakira HD Wallpapers-1600x1200

Shakira Wide Screen HD Wallpaper

Shakira Isabel Mebarak Ripoll's musical journey began just a few short years after her birth on February 2, 1977, in Barranquilla, Atlantico, Colombia. Growing up, Shakira enjoyed watching her father create poetry on the family typewriter, and at age 4, she wrote her first one, "La Rosa de Cristal." Following the sudden death of her brother, Shakira penned her first song at age 8 and eventually turned to performing. She remembers her first performance as an impromptu dance on a restaurant table as a child, much to the delight of her family and fellow patrons. Check out Beautiful HD Wallpapers...
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Shakira Pop Singer Bio & Wallpapers

Shakira Hot HD Wallpaper

Shakira began singing for her classmates at school, but her unique voice kept her out of the school choir. Upon entering her teen years, she was introduced to Monica Ariza, a producer who set up an audition with Sony. The studio wasn't impressed, but a second audition won them over and Shakira signed a three-album contract. Unfortunately, her first two albums, 1991's Magia and 1993's Peligro, were met with mixed reviews and disappointing results, so Shakira focused on high school instead. Check out Shakira's Glamorous Wallpapers...
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Sunday, September 18, 2011

Shakira HQ Wallpapers

Shakira Latest Wallpaper-2011

A Sony exec referred to a young Shakira as a "lost cause" while a choir teacher said she had a goat's voice. Shakira is enjoying the last laugh, thanks to multiple Latin Grammy awards, American Grammys and a crown as the biggest-grossing Colombian artist in history. With 50 million albums sold, Shakira's success has been solidified by records like Laundry Service and her Oral Fixation. Already in the top five of the most successful artists since 2000, Shakira is also the first South American musician to top the Billboard, the United World, the UK Singles, and the Australia charts. Check out Shakira's Glam...
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Shakira Glamorous Wallpapers

Shakira Hot HD Wallpaper

At just under 5' tall, Shakira is a firecracker of mixed Colombian and Lebanese genes. If you've seen her live or in a music videos, it's easy to get caught up in her se*(x)y dance moves. It might seem like Shakira is just trying to seductively show off her body not that anyone's complaining -- but Shakira says it's all due to her love of belly dancing.

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Shakira Hot HD Wallpapers

Shakira Beautiful HD Wallpaper

In the media, Shakira's been recognized by twice by Maxim and FHM on their respective Hot 100 lists. VH1 and Stuff have also given her similar recognition. On a personal level, Shakira's ways did capture the heart of former fiancé Antonio de la Rúa, best-known as the son of Argentina's former president. The couple ended their almost 11-year relationshjp in the spring of 2011. Look Glam of Shakira...
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Shakira Hot Wallpapers

Beautiful Shakira HD Wallpaper-1280x960

Shakira's beauty has caught the attention of many in the media, and even Mattel. The toymaker released a Barbie line, inspired by Shakira's look, which is notable since she openly dislikes jewelry and prefers being healthy over being dangerously skinny. In the media, Shakira's been recognized by twice by Maxim and FHM on their respective Hot 100 lists. Have a look of glam...
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Shakira Wallpapers

Shakira Pop Singer Wallpaper

Shakira's fans call her "Shaki"... She is widely known as a spokesperson for Pepsi Cola... Some sources list her birthdate as 9 February rather than 2 February. Have a look of her glam...
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Penelope Cruz HD Wallpapers

Hollywood Actress Penelope Cruz Wallpaper

Penelope Cruz was the first Spanish-born actress to take an Academy Award home for Best Supporting Actress for her role in Woody Allen's Vicky Cristina Barcelona. Never forgetting her roots in Spanish cinema, the actress is still the once and future muse of famed Spanish director Pedro Almodovar, starring in a total of four of his films, including his most recent Broken Embraces. Check out Cruz's beautiful HD wallpapers...
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Penelope Cruz-Hollywood Wallpapers

Penelope Cruz Wallpaper

Penelope Cruz'd only been one of the most famous actresses in the world. Aside from her cinematic output, she'd stared down from Ralph Lauren posters everywhere, and there was the small matter of a relationship with Tom Cruise, at the time daily tabloid fodder following his split from Nicole Kidman. Unfortunately for Cruz, everyone knew who she was, but few knew what she did. Her huge success in Europe, where she'd appeared in two movies awarded Oscars as Best Foreign Language film and a slew of other notable productions, had passed most people by. Check out glamorous wallpapers...
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Penelope Cruz Biography & HD Wallpapers

Penelope Cruz Wallpaper in pink

Penelope Cruz has weathered her share of controversies over the years including her relationships with high-profile leading men such as Tom Cruise, Matthew McConaughey and Orlando Bloom yet there’s little doubt that she’s efficiently established herself as one of the most talented and flat-out gorgeous actresses to emerge from Spain’s sunny shores. Check out HD Wallpapers...
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Saturday, September 17, 2011

Penelope Cruz Actress Wallpapers

Penelope Cruz Hot HD Wallpaper

Penélope Cruz Sanchez Born on April 28, 1974 in San Sebastain de los Reyes, Madrid, Spain. Her father, Eduardo, worked as a car mechanic and her mother, Encarna, was a hairdresser. Cruz was born as the eldest of three and a natural performer; Penélope amused her family as a child by re-enacting TV commercials for their entertainment. Although a natural actress, she took up dance for her choice of performance arts. She studied classical ballet for nine years at Spain's National Conservatory and moved to New York to dance under a series of prominent performers. Check out glamour...
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Penelope Cruz Glamorous Wallpapers

Penelope Cruz Hot HD Wallpaper

When Penelope Cruz was 15 years old, she found her true vocation after beating out 300 other girls at a talent agency competition. Following this early success, she landed several roles as a dancer for music videos and on Spanish TV as the host of La Quinta Marcha. Cruz also explored her more sensual side in the French erotic TV series, Serie Rose. Check out Glamorous HD Wallpapers...
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Penelope Cruz Hot HD Wallpapers

Penelope Cruz HD Wallpaper

In 1992, Cruz made her film debut in the dark film, Jamón Jamón. The film's director, who had been unable to cast Cruz as the lead in another film because of her young age, waited until she was old enough for his next film. Her performance earned Cruz a nomination for Best Newcomer by the Spanish Actors' Union, Best Lead Actress from the Goya awards (Spain's Academy Awards), and Fotogramas de Plata's Best Movie Actress. Check out glamorous wallpapers...
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Penelope Cruz Hot Wallpapers

Penelope Cruz HD Wallpaper

With an impressive apprenticeship to the craft, Cruz earned her place in Spanish cinema as a leading lady. Her resume continued to grow over the following few years, clocking up three or four films each year. In 1997, Cruz took the role of Isabel Plaza Caballero in Carne Tremula, for which she garnered more critical recognition. This was the first time she worked with internationally renowned director Pedro Almodóvar, who in turn became a life-long friend—and her vehicle for global fame. Check out Penelope's Glam...
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Penelope Cruz Wallpapers

Penelope Cruz Actress HD Wallpaper

At the age of 25, Cruz made the bold decision to move to Hollywood, California. Fully in command and on top of her career, she took on the role of a control freak and successful chef in Woman on Top (2000) and as the romantic lead in Billy Bob Thornton's western, All the Pretty Horses (2000), both of which received critical success. Her next film, Abre Los Ojos, caught the attention of director Cameron Crowe and film icon Tom Cruise. Have a look...
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